Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Sweet Secrets of Squash

Every time I go down into the basement, I avert my eyes, lest I see the bushel baskets of squash. I know that at some point, I'm going to have to take action. Big, hours-long action. And I'm procrastinating.
I know that the squash couldn't possibly keep in our non-root-cellar basement for much longer, and that my inaction probably made most of them rot.
One day, not too long ago, I decided to bite the bullet.
I heated up our stove, enlisted the help of a strong man with a sharp knife, and cut open the waiting squash. To my delight, I found gorgeous, deep orange flesh that smelled like a crisp fall day. The squash had aged themselves into perfection. They were sweet and nutty, just what a winter squash should be. (The kids asked for thirds!) We realized that 4-5 months aging is a perfect time for the squash, in a not-too-cold basement.
I was relieved to have this task behind me, and am anticipating the lovely pumpkin pies I'll be making with my awesome butternut squash.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

A Few Good People! Our Worker Share

Ever feel like you'd like to get more involved in your local, organic farm and eat great food? Consider our Worker Share program!

We have decided to offer a limited number of Worker Shares this year. A worker share is an exchange of your labor for a vegetable share in our CSA program. It is a serious commitment, requiring you to commit to a 4-hour per week time commitment, for 22 weeks in the season.

In exchange, you'll be a full CSA member, receiving your share of the bounty of our farm.
Worker shares are not for everyone. It's hard work, in all weather, which includes planting, weeding, hoeing, picking, washing and bagging. You will develop a special connection with the farm, farmers and other workers and an appreciation and understanding of organic vegetable production.

If you're interested in learning more about our Worker Share Program, send me an email and we can discuss your interest further.
We're looking for a few good people!