Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Sweet Secrets of Squash

Every time I go down into the basement, I avert my eyes, lest I see the bushel baskets of squash. I know that at some point, I'm going to have to take action. Big, hours-long action. And I'm procrastinating.
I know that the squash couldn't possibly keep in our non-root-cellar basement for much longer, and that my inaction probably made most of them rot.
One day, not too long ago, I decided to bite the bullet.
I heated up our stove, enlisted the help of a strong man with a sharp knife, and cut open the waiting squash. To my delight, I found gorgeous, deep orange flesh that smelled like a crisp fall day. The squash had aged themselves into perfection. They were sweet and nutty, just what a winter squash should be. (The kids asked for thirds!) We realized that 4-5 months aging is a perfect time for the squash, in a not-too-cold basement.
I was relieved to have this task behind me, and am anticipating the lovely pumpkin pies I'll be making with my awesome butternut squash.

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