Sunday, January 11, 2009

Such is my life with a greenhouse

Snow + polycarbonate panels on the greenhouse= must get it off as soon as possible.

This is why I'm "done" with winter already.

Every time it snows, this is where you'll find me.

We have work planned to reinforce the panels since we've lost some with the recent windy weather. The panels flex and then let go, so we'll be putting metal strips on both sides to shore them up. I can't lose panels when I have my tomatoes started. My spinach and Asian greens can handle the freeze quite well.

Although, I'm enjoying my greens from the greenhouse almost every day, which is a huge luxury in the winter. Plus, I've been able to sell some at the winter Market in Schenectady, which helps as well.

I'll be looking forward to the end of this snowy, windy weather. Anyone interested in "playing" in the snow, come one over!

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